Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
February 8, 2011 -- Having left the prized 18-45 year old marketing demographic, baby boomers might be justified in feeling a little bit like yesterday's donuts - not all that appealing and a bit stale. But thanks to our sheer numbers (as in 76 million), sales hungry marketeers appear to be putting baby boomers back in their sights. And believe it or not, that's probably good news for us (but more about that later). This Sunday's New York Times talked about the phenomenon in its "In a Graying Population, Business Opportunity" article. The Wall Street Journal weighed in
Published on February 8, 2011
Comments 8
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Update August 2017: This series, and particularly its Part 2, seemed very timely after we received this comment from Marty: "Please remind all your readers to consider the possibility of losing their mate and being in an unfamiliar area. Wills may have to go to Probate Court, decisions made on burials, and accounts frozen. Not having your old friends around adds to the loneliness."
Note: This is Part 1 in a series. See also "10 More Checklist Items for the Retiring Baby Boomer", as well as Part 3: 7 Must-Do Items Now That You Are Retired. We have another multi-part series that relates specifically to Medicare "Now That You're 65, How to Get Started with Medicare".
January 9, 2011 -- The oldest of the nation's baby boomers, those born in 1946, start turning 65 this year. For people who grew up with the Mickey Mouse Club and the Lone Ranger, the thought of getting involved with the Social Security Administration might be hard to swallow, but it is about to happen to you. This article will be your primer for what you need to do, now that you are 65. Note: The government's Social Security and Medicare websites are first rate and very helpful. We have used much of their information in the sections below, and provided links as well.
1. Register for Medicare to start your health care coverage
Medicare is a Health Insurance Program for people age 65 or older, some disabled
Published on January 9, 2011
Comments 20
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Every year we dust off our crystal ball and try to think about what's ahead for retirees in the year ahead. But before we do that, here are a few observations about 2010, the year that is just about to end:
- Housing prices stabilized in most markets in 2010, and even started to increase slightly in many cities and towns. The free fall in prices that came in 2008 and 2009 has mostly stopped. Although median home prices slipped in the first quarter according to the National Association of Realtors, they increased from
Published on December 26, 2010
Comments 15
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
June 29, 2010. How closely do you match the profile of your fellow visitors at Topretirements? We just finished a new research study which looked at the questions asked by the almost 5000 people who have taken our Retirement Ranger Quiz. The results from that study have helped us learn more about baby boomer retirement hopes, dreams, and preferences. One of the most interesting things we've learned is that the people who have taken our quiz are much more ready to relocate than the average population - the vast majority of Ranger takers plan on moving in retirement. Another finding is that they are very open about the kind of environment they want to live in. We found out that most of our visitors are either already retired - or will do so soon. Taxes, cost of living, and region are all important considerations for
Published on June 28, 2010
Comments 12
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Did you know that over half of all new U.S. businesses are started by baby boomers? Are you one of them - a baby boomer struggling to start a new business as a second or third career? Fortunately there is a new website that is out there trying to help - This site puts together information and resources designed to help Baby Boomers support other Boomers. One way they do that is by listing Boomer Entrepreneurs and other businesses that provide Boomer Friendly products and/or services.
Boomer Entrepreneurs have an additional burden. If their business fails they have less time to recover financially. They also have far fewer opportunities for employment - and that is the second goal of Too many Boomers find employment precarious today. Those who are unemployed often find it very difficult to get a job to replace what they have lost. This new site seeks to bring Boomers information about employers who actively recruit and seek to hire older workers for their skills, their experience, and their work ethic.
Did you know that in today’s competitive landscape, having a standout business card can make all the difference for new entrepreneurs? For baby boomers launching their second or third careers, creating a memorable first impression is essential. A well-designed business card serves as a powerful marketing tool that conveys professionalism and commitment to quality. This is where Metal Kards come into play. Their durable and visually striking metal business cards not only set you apart but also reflect the experience and integrity that baby boomers bring to their new ventures. In a world where networking is crucial, having a business card that captures attention can lead to invaluable connections and opportunities.
Networking events, community gatherings, and business expos are prime opportunities to showcase your brand and its values. A distinctive metal business card can open doors and initiate conversations, reinforcing your position as a reliable and experienced professional. As aims to empower baby boomers in their entrepreneurial journeys, integrating effective branding strategies—such as investing in premium business cards—can significantly enhance their prospects for success.
Published on June 15, 2010
Comments 1
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
June 8 -- A few baby boomers know exactly what they want to do when they retire. These folks are lucky in many ways, because they have probably been busy planning where and when they are going to achieve all of their plans. But far more boomers probably only have a loose idea, at best, for how they are going to spend their lives, once they don't have a regular job that gets them out of bed and to a workplace 5 days a week. In this article we will explore some of the best and more common retirement lifestyles. Of course many people never intend to retire, which includes those who continue to do their old jobs as well as many who change careers.
Possible Retirement Lifestyles
To our way of thinking just about every kind of non-working retirement fits under
Published on June 8, 2010
Comments 2
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
April 28, 2010 -- The "coming of age" movie and TV show has just taken on a new dimension for us baby boomers. "Sunset Daze", a TV show that debuts today on WE TV, shows just how far (and how low) we are about to go as a generation. Once we were celebrated for our youth in movies like "The Graduate" and events like "Woodstock". Now, the age group just a few years older than us oldest baby boomers is starring in what the New York Times calls a "boozy, oversexed reality TV genre". The Times has given the new show unusually full coverage with a front page article yesterday and a generally very positive review in today's television section. Yesterday's article was "Boozy, Bawdy Reality TV, With a Few Wrinkles", today's is "The Golden Years: Feisty, Fit, and Flirty"
Published on April 27, 2010
Comments 2
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Younger baby boomers, those aged 50 years old in 2010, foresee a vastly different retirement world than 50 year-olds who were surveyed in 1996. According to a pair of surveys by active adult community developer Del Webb, today’s 50 year-old plans to retire four years later, at a median age of 67 versus age 63 nearly fifteen years ago. Fully 73% of baby boomers plan on continuing to work in retirement. That contrasts with current retirees living in Del Webb communities, of whom just 40% have actually worked since retirement. The conclusion drawn by Del Webb is that today's younger boomers don't see retirement as necessarily the end of their working life, but possibly something pushed out further or which includes work in some form
Published on April 27, 2010
Comments 4
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
One of the nicest additions to anyone’s garden is the aster, a late blooming flower that helps sustain color and variety as fall turns to winter. The metaphor works for retirement planning, since people who plan their retirement tend to do it a lot better than those who leave it…
Published on April 26, 2010
Comments 0
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Our good sport this time of year is to go out on a limb with predictions about the hot baby boomer retirement trends for the coming year. Surely we will be wrong on some, but hope that in general we can be useful in predicting what factors will be most…
Published on February 1, 2010
Comments 7