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Traditional Towns Ring Bell for Many in Retirement

Category: Active adult communities

September 22 -- When talking about retirement communities we can't tell you how many times we've heard baby boomers comment about how much they admire the traditional kind of town. You know, one with a central downtown; the kind of place where you can walk or bike to just about everything. A place with sidewalks and front porches. A community for retirement that does NOT: require a car to drive everywhere for everything, or is filled with people of only one age or interest.


Published on September 21, 2007
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10 Most Popular Retirement Towns Announced

Category: Active adult communities

Madison CT -- August 15 -- Topretirements has been curious to see which towns and cities its visitors are most interested in learning more about. The results offer significant insight into what active adults think are the best towns to retire to. The top profile is generally: small town or city, Sunbelt location, vital downtown, usually with a college or university in town.


Published on August 15, 2007
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AARP Issues “Best Retirement Communities” List

Category: Active adult communities

July 27 -- Every publisher likes to issue "best lists" for the simple reason that all of us like reading them. This week the AARP got in the act, joining Money Magazine and others, with a list of "5 Great Places to Retire". Somewhat surprising was the fact that 4 out of the 5 communities were cities, with the 5th being a suburb of a big city. Making the top 5 were: (if available, the review is linked below):


Published on July 27, 2007
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Airparks Let Plane Owners “Hang” Close

Category: Active adult communities

July 13 -- To any hobbyist the convenience of living near one's avocation is obvious. For most of us it just involves stepping out to the garage, or down the cart path to the 1st tee. But when one's hobby is an airplane, hanging out near your wings gets tougher. Airports and hangars don't grow on trees, and who wants to drive a long way to indulge one's passion. Enter the airpark, a surprisingly (to us anyway) prevalent phenomenon. just ran across a nice blog for plane owners - Living With Your Plane - that specializes in airparks - airstrips with adjacent houses on the property. LWYP has published some helpful research studies and lists on its site. Research from Living With Your Plane indicates that about 20% of existing airparks have 50 or more attached homes, so some of these communities are substantial properties. Demographically, about 15% of people who live in airparks are over 66 years of age - the predominant owner is between 45 - 65 with no children living at home.


Published on July 12, 2007
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Newest Retirement Community Idea Puts Focus on Stargazers

Category: Active adult communities

June 12- Every time we think we have heard about the most unusual type of retirement community, up pops another. The latest new idea is stargazer communities; developments geared for amateur astronomers. You don't have to be retired to live in one of these developments, but most of the people interviewed in the article were either of retirement age or were baby boomers fast approaching it. The New York Times reported (June 8, 2007) on a number of astronomers who have turned their dream into finding a home in a place favorable for stargazing into a reality. People who enjoy watching the stars, it turns out, share several unique environmental prerequisites. First, they need an area that is dark, away the from bright lights of civilization that ruin the celestial view. Another is that when they watch the stars live, they tend


Published on June 11, 2007
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So What is the Best Retirement Community?

Category: Active adult communities

June 6 - About the 5th time I was asked the question I finally caught on. The "question" comes up when someone finds out that I am associated with this site, obviously enough. They are usually a baby boomer thinking about where to live next, and they figure I must know the answer. The problem is that I have heard about too many "best retirement communities", too many "top 10 retirement communities". Sorry, I just can't tell you your right answer - there are too many. You have to pick the one that is best for you. So that means you have to do some thinking about what's right for you - you have to answer the 16 questions in our free eBook: "The Baby Boomer's Guide to Selecting the Best Retirement Community". Only then will you know enough, and I can help with some "best" suggestions.


Published on June 6, 2007
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Why Many in Annapolis are Unhappy That It Is One of the Best Places to Retire

Category: Active adult communities

Annapolis, Maryland - June 1, 2007 -- Topretirements and the magazine "Where to Retire" both rate Annapolis Maryland as one of the best places to retire - if you can afford to live there. The community has charm, history, a beautiful downtown, the U.S. Naval Academy, and plenty of drop-dead waterfront. It is a great place to live, but according to the Washington Post, not everybody is happy about its reputation as a great place to retire. The main reason is because of the city's policy of trying to encourage retirement housing as a way to discourage overcrowding and having to build new schools.


Published on May 31, 2007
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New “Best Places to Live” Reference – Who’s on Top?

Category: Active adult communities

Bert Sperling is the man behind those "Best Places to Live" lists you see in "Money" Magazine. His newest book came out this week, and the results will be viewed with interest by active adults looking for the "best" retirement communities. Sperling uses sophisticated tools and databases to come up with his lists. Cost of housing is very important, so recent price run-ups in some parts of the country doomed many communities' chances of a high ranking. Crime rates, health care availability, taxes,weather, and amenities like being a college town also significantly impact the rankings.


Published on May 7, 2007
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