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Best New Tech Products for the 55+ Crowd

Category: Home and Garden

June 22, 2016 — We can all use help in the art of staying youthful for as long as we can. Especially if getting to be 55+ has brought a few physical limitations along with our increased experience.

The list of helpful products reviewed recently by runs a wide gamut. Predictably it includes computers, tablets, and smart phones. It also reviews portable music devices (with the advent of wireless, just about anything is possible), smart watches, and cameras. At least one, such as the Garvin Nuvi-Cam, would be great additions to your car when checking out possible places to retire (in addition to navigation, it includes in-dash camera and driver awareness features).

Electric bikes are another innovation that is game changing for many people. We experienced

this new product innovation first hand last winter when stopped at a stop light waiting to resume a vigorous bike ride. Beside us was a tandem bike topped by a middle aged couple with ample proportions. When the light changed, and much to our surprise, the tandem bikers rapidly pulled away, picking up speed as they left us in the dust. All the more surprising – they weren’t peddling! Gotcha – electric bike that looks like a normal bike, but it’s not! Although it kind of defeats the exercise function of biking, it is nice for those who couldn’t get out without some extra help, especially on steep hills. The Stromer ST-2 doesn’t come cheap ($7000), but this top of the line model has amazing features (there are less expensive brands, fortunately).

ring-bell (1)

Perhaps the most practical idea is the Ring doorbell. This ingenious device looks like a doorbell (which it is), but it does a lot more. There is a camera and microphone attached, so you can see who is at the door (even if they haven’t rung it yet).
And best of all, it is wirelessly connected so you can see and hear all this from thousands of miles away. So you can respond from your smart phone that you “are busy, come back later”, when in fact you are on vacation in Hawaii.

Jasion Ebike for Adults – $379 at Amazon

See all these great ideas and a lot more at The Best New Products for 50+ Crowd

Do you have a favorite tech or non-tech product that helps you adjust to and enjoy life in retirement? Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below.

Comments on "Best New Tech Products for the 55+ Crowd"

Elaine C. says:
June 22, 2016

This isn't a new item, but I really like my Kindle Paperwhite reader. It is lightweight and holds a charge for hours. I use the same charger for it that I use for my phone, which is handy. I can download free books from the local library and Amazon, and carry it with me everywhere. There is an Airplane mode, so it can be read on planes. The Paperwhite has an adjustable backlight (like a dimmer switch) so that it lights the text from behind, eliminating the need for a reading light. The font can be made smaller or bigger, whatever is most comfortable for the reader. It is lightweight, easy to use, and provides multiple reading opportunities, rather than just one book. Once a book is read, another is available immediately without having to lug around tomes. I still read print books at home, but the Paperwhite is my go-to for travel. I've had mine for 2-3 years, use it often, and it has held up well. It is a gadget that I'll use for years to come, and if I must, replace it. The Paperwhite is for reading only, not for data or anything else. This is what I wanted. I've got other devices for other purposes, and this little object is my portable library. On Amazon now for $79.

2SIDESOF49 says:
June 22, 2016

WiFi enabled switches. You can program and monitor your lights and other appliances remotely to go on and off. Most have random settings as well to give your home the appearance that someone is there by randomly turning lights on and off while you are away. These are low cost security devices that are easy to use and program. much better than older mechanical devices that are activated the same time every day. My personal favorite is a NEO on Amazon for under $25.00

Karen C says:
June 23, 2016

My mom and aunt have had great success with the Telikin computer. Nothing takes more than 3 clicks. It was designed with seniors in mind. Fantastic support team as well.

Dave says:
June 23, 2016

Elaine is so right! My favorite function is the font resizing! After two cataract surgeries on the same eye, I am often at the eye doctor. I take it there as I can still read even after having the drops put into my eyes that enlarge the pupil and used to make reading impossible! That and the ability to have 1000's of books at my disposal without having to carry hard copies.

Rich says:
June 23, 2016

The NEO described by 2SIDESOF49 is exactly what is described -- a single, wifi controlled receptacle (electric outlet) to which you can plug in a single item (or multiple items with an additional multi-receptacle device) and control from your smartphone. That item is less than $25.

The "Ankuoo NEO Wi-Fi Light Switch, NOT Plug & Play, Limited DIY Required, White" which controls house lights, in contrast, must be wired into your house in place of a standard single throw light switch. That is $28. You can do more with the $30 "NEO PRO" (Amazon has the details). The caveat for this is that each is designed for a single installation, not whole house control though you can control wirelessly from anywhere that your 2.4G wifi network will reach.

There are other branded products to accomplish this, but most appear to be slightly more expensive. I appreciate the post and will quickly take advantage of these devices as soon as I can determine the best ways to control my devices. Mostly I wanted to say the individual device is limited and does not provide whole house control while at the same time adding my vote that this is a good device to consider.

And for Elaine and Dave, ain't it the truth! My wife has trouble seeing in dim light AND with reading most devices in bright sunlight. I swapped he Kindle Paperwhite for a backlit Paperwhite and she loves being able read anywhere with any level of light -- or none at all. For myself, my tablet and/or smartphone with the Kindle app is (to me) an even better way to take advantage of all the Kindle capabilities -- especially the one that lets me bookmark my place on any device and pickup again at that point from any other device -- Kindle syncs them all. I may be stuck without my tablet at times, but I ALWAYS have my smartphone with me.


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