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Georgia Active Adult Community Excludes Female Softball Player from League

Category: Active adult communities

March 10, 2022 – In a move that is sure to be controversial, a softball commissioner at the Del Webb Village at Deaton Creek has banned Linda Evans, a female, from participating on a men’s softball team at that community. Ms. Evans, 70 years young, is an experienced player, whose coach said of her: “She can play.”

The active community in Hoschton, GA has one softball league with 7 teams. There is no women’s team or league. The commissioner banned Evans from playing in games or participating in practice, saying that it was a “men’s only league”. A poll of the players reportedly found that a majority did not women playing in the league. However, the community’s ownership bylaws say “membership in any Chartered Club must be open to all bona fide members of the association without discrimination as to race, religion, color, sex, ethnic culture or national heritage.”

Not an uncommon problem
The problem of inclusion of the sexes has long existed. Private country clubs have excluded women from membership. Some active communities provide access to facilities slanted towards men (such as the earliest tee times), or have mens-only grills. How communities maintain fairness can be a struggle that often pits one group against another, and even results in lawsuits.

Comments? What do you think, should communities have the right to have single gender teams, activities, and facilities? Or should men or women be able to mix together, based on ability or other qualifications. Please share your thoughts and experiences from your community in the Comments section below.

Comments on "Georgia Active Adult Community Excludes Female Softball Player from League"

Edith Cuttler says:
March 10, 2022

It's simple. In this day, in this age, to live somewhere where you are subject to the whim of those in your community that decide whom can be involved in community events is beyond belief!
Every time we begin to waver about accepting someplace with an HOA etc, something like this arises. Its beyond shameful and pitiful. There is NO acceptable rationale for such childish behavior. Guess we will keep looking beyond Del Webb and Georgia now. Florida is now out as the political leaders there have made it clear via the press that their concerns do not go beyond their own personal ones!
I am fully aware that there are thousands of seniors that feel as I do but, sadly it seems to be a silent minority.
Vacant Housing/apartments are becoming harder to locate, gas is through the roof, and a part of the world has nothing, nothing at all, and yet we carry on about allowing another human being given the chance to enjoy their life. What's wrong with that picture?
Guess we will keep looking for a community that is truly a community. Maybe before we are 80? :-{

Sue says:
March 11, 2022

Just shows how intimidated men are by competent women. Happens all the time. Sad.

Jes says:
March 11, 2022

Edith: I'm in full agreement with everything you said. I live in a southern state where I love the weather but not the values & beliefs, so need to move. Finding an affordable community in a state that both has nice weather and values human rights for all is proving impossible.

Daryl says:
March 11, 2022

Kinda tells you everything you need to know about life in that community, doesn’t it? Shame this stuff isn’t published with the bylaws when you come to check out a community. They could at least have a women’s league available. When I was a kid all that mattered was how good a player you were, but everything changed by junior high. Sigh…

Clyde says:
March 11, 2022

I can understand the feelings of Edith and Jes. For people with progressive ideas, the state governments in most warmer states are a challenge. A suggestion I might offer is that you choose a city or area in one of those states that is more progressive than other parts of the state. Urban areas can offer that possibility. Florida, for example, has some choices along those lines. Orlando, Tampa and greater Miami (Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties) are bluer parts of the states. Yes, you still often have to contend with quite conservative state governments, but the local communities can be fairly welcome to progressives, and you may feel you better fit in there. Renting in such an area can give you a good idea about it. There are still some relatively reasonable rentals in active adult communities if you look hard enough and possibly use a realtor.
And as for the idea of single gender teams, clubs, etc., there may be a few situations where that is appropriate. However, in the case of the woman who wanted to play softball, if there was no women’s team, I believe she should have been allowed to play on the men’s team, because that was the only option possibly open to her in her residential community.

BillyB says:
March 11, 2022

WOW!! In this Time & Age; Men who think they are "Legends in their Own Minds!!".
True; I am an Old Guy but was smart enough to learn at a very young age that if you could play, you could play!! Male or Female!! & we won more often than we lost. Because these Girls could Skate, Shoot , Swing, Throw, better than most!!
Guess; we were fortunate to be from a Small Town!!
Where we could all Smile!!
Just sayin; Sports Fans!!

Daryl says:
March 12, 2022

Mentioned this situation to my daughter as a reason we hesitate taking a chance of getting locked into a community with a retro 50’s mindset. She laughed and reminded us of the Berenstain Bears book we bought her as a child “No Girls Allowed” wherein Papa bear states “it’s not whether you’re a he or she that counts, it’s how you play the game.” Maybe someone should send them a few dozen copies.

Sharon L Alexander says:
March 12, 2022

Jes, come to Western Washington. But go to one of the smaller towns outside of the Seattle bubble. I live in the State Capital which is about 100K and because family lives here. However, they are moving away so I might move to something a bit smaller. Good luck.

phunonephil says:
March 13, 2022

You can live in the South, in a gated community that has good weather and room to stretch-out in.
In Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, and the surrounding area, we are part of a mixed Senior Softball League, and "The League is open to men aged 50 and older as well as women 35 and older". (
We also have Pickleball, Tennis, Golf and more that have Men's/Women's/Mixed leagues.
Stay healthy,

JCarol says:
March 13, 2022

A prime example why I remain in the Los Angeles area. Sure we've got our problems, but not the kind of nonsense happening in this Georgia Del Webb community. It wouldn't be tolerated in LA for a moment.
According to the article, "The commissioner also claims he took a poll and the majority of the league’s players do not want women to play. He says many of the players will quit if women are permitted to play."
The men would quit rather than allow women on their team? What a bunch of power-wielding, insecure troglodytes.


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