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Will Retiring Baby Boomers Pull Us out of This Recession

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

The deluge of unending bad economic news is enough to make Pollyanna turn downright crabby. Stocks are down, Madoff type pyramid schemes are up, and real estate can barely be given away in some parts of the country. What is worse is that Americans have forgotten their economic history. Lost is the experience we learned the hard way – that lack of confidence fuels the downturn – individuals and businesses continue to feel worse, cutting back more, so more and more people lose their jobs. The bad news cycle just goes on, until some magical day (Inauguration Day!?) when confidence returns, people start spending again, and businesses feel like they have to hire more people to keep up with demand.

Baby Boomers as Captain America, the potential savior of the free world
More impossible schemes have come true. Picture this scenario, which is based on solid numbers – millions and millions of baby boomers will be in their early 60’s this year. Almost all are close to retirement, and a significant percentage already have the resources for a comfortable one. Perhaps they invested wisely in the stock markets and shielded a lot of it from last year’s big downturn. Or they have a secure government pension that they can count on for the rest of their life. If even a small percentage of them were to invest in their retirement dream home in 2009, hire a lawyer for the closing, pay a real estate commission, pay for a moving company, buy new furniture and household items, do some small remodeling – the impact on the national budget would be huge. Their self-interest would be the confidence that they are buying low – for real estate and services.

As a strategy, we would not deny that it carries some risks. Many will no doubt find this prescription too radical. Given 2008’s performance, real estate and stock values might sink even further, and the pensions of even the soundest governments or corporations could be compromised. On the other hand we might be looking at a period of genuine opportunity, one that could help restore confidence and even do some good. At the least though, you can take this strategy as a rationalization to tell your friends why, as Captain America, you just had to save the free world and buy into that great active adult community in 2009!

Comments on "Will Retiring Baby Boomers Pull Us out of This Recession"

pat says:
January 6, 2009

:roll: Wow, that's one for the optomists!

Shirley says:
January 27, 2009

Fantastic, the boomers can do it, I've been thinking about how I lived in my 20's and how everything used to be cheap and that offered opportunity in and of itself. Some leadership is needed though, and that, too, the boomers must provide, given that they have enough age to hopefully have some wisdom, and history, to impart to the world in its time of need.

Linda says:
March 3, 2009

Most Boomers that I know (Husband is 62 and I am 60) in California are hurting and will definetly not help in the recovery...we are stuck in a house that is upside down by $100,000 and that is after putting $150,000 down in 2005!!


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