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Take Our New Coronavirus Vaccine Survey!

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

February 25, 2021 – By now most of the Topretirements audience has probably had a chance to get at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine. Please take our quick survey of how that experience went for you. There are just a few questions on how you found out where to get your shot, how good a job your state did on that, and how your life and activities might change once you have been administered both doses and your immunity is established.

Here is the link to the short survey:

Take the Vaccine Survey

We will publish the results next week – should be very interesting to compare with the survey we did last year. If you have Comments you would like to make, please free to add them below.

Comments on "Take Our New Coronavirus Vaccine Survey!"

Danno says:
February 26, 2021

My Mom, in her 70's, is in group 1A which in KY is the first group eligible (1st responders/healthcare workers/nursing homes/70 and older). She got both shots and had no issues.

My wife in her 40's is also in group 1A as a health care provider. She got both shots and had no problems.

I am in the KY 3rd group 1C for essential workers and got my 1st shot 2 weeks ago and had no problems. My 2nd shot will be in 2 weeks. Two of us got Moderna, one got Pfizer.

Kathy says:
February 26, 2021

I am a nurse working in an Assisted Living facility. I have had both doses of Phizer vaccine with no side effects. I have been fortunate thus far to have tested negative for COVID despite being exposed. to positive people.

Joan says:
February 26, 2021

I had a very positive experience receiving 2 doses which I attribute entirely to a coalition of the local hospital and nonprofit organizations that managed to obtain the vaccine and organize an army of volunteers to serve a very remote area of the state. If not for this group, I still would not be vaccinated. The state does not deserve any of the credit.

John Hutchins says:
February 26, 2021

Was very impressed with the vaccine process in Alaska. I felt that the workers were sincerely concerned about you and made you feel comfortable. The nurses/doctors administering the vaccine were fantastic. Made me feel at ease and confident. I feel that now I am able to travel more in the coming months, still taking precautions.

Tess says:
February 26, 2021

You need to add a choice for those of us that aren't yet eligible for the vaccine.

Comment from John Brady: Good point Tess. We just added that as an option.

Linda Tuttle says:
February 26, 2021

As a part-time teacher in DE, I was eligible for school events - I signed up through my school, got a call to invite me for the first dose, and three days later they emailed me the information for the second dose. Both times there was less than a five-minute wait. It was easy and well-organized. I consider myself very lucky - many folks in my area who are not teachers are having a terrible time trying to get a first appointment.

RichPB says:
February 27, 2021

Here in NC we have hospital systems, State and County efforts to administer vaccines. Can't truly speak for the others, but our hospital system was very efficient at scheduling, allowing location options and actually administering the vaccine. No snafus or waiting for us. Everything went on schedule and we were reminded appropriately. My wife and I got our two Phizer shots 3 weeks apart and within minutes of each other once 65+ was eligible. No side effects other than a slightly sore arm despite having underlying health concerns including immunocompromised. This was at a smaller regional facility rather than the main hospital system.

Jennifer says:
February 27, 2021

I live in Washington, DC but work in Maryland as a nurse for an oral surgeon three days per week. I am also 66. Because I live in DC, Maryland vaccines were very difficult for me to get, I registered in the District of Columbia with two hospitals and online with appointments were always full in spite of my being exposes as a front line worker. Finally, last week, on Wednesday I got a shot at a Johns Hopkins Hospital in DC near to my home. I got the Pfizer vaccine and did not even feel the injection. By evening my arm was sore and the next day I had a slight low-grade fever and nausea. It was all gone by the following day. My second one is scheduled for March 10. I am glad that I finally was able to get this done. Healthcare workers in office settings who work in one state and live in another have had a harder time securing an appointment than do Hospital and Nursing Home workers.

Steveb says:
February 28, 2021

Some survey questions a little misleading ... i.e. what activities look forward to after vaccine? In Florida we are already going to gym and eating out at restaurants

Debra says:
February 28, 2021

In Western North Carolina the County health department has been giving the vaccines. This has been more successful in some counties than others. My husband and many 70+ neighbors went to upstate South Carolina.

Maimi says:
February 28, 2021

I live in a very blue state, RI, and they just opened for 65+ this week. Some of the bluest states put seniors behind young healthy people in targeted zip codes. “Equity” prioritized communities of color, so the mortality rate here remains high. As a 3x cancer fighter, I am concerned that people with serious health conditions who are the most at risk of all ages are not being prioritized here.

Lynn says:
February 28, 2021

I was VERY impressed with my experience at the Bay Pines VA Healthcare Center. I had signed up to receive info when they got the vaccine, about a month ago. I was notified that they were good to go for Thursday and Friday, last week. It took about four attempts (busy) on the phone and then I waited about twenty minutes, on hold. But, they had plenty of appointments. We arrived at the appointed hour. The medical personnel worked in a covered parking lot (lucky us the weather is perfect here in Florida). We were there and gone in forty-five minutes. The State of Florida, on the other hand, never did respond to my registration, even though I signed up. I didn't really want to use Publix as they wanted insurance information (gotta wonder about the security of a grocery store database that includes, name, address, phone number, email, birthdate, and insurance information). Additionally, Publix seemed to have paid Governor DeSantis to be first in line.

Clyde says:
February 28, 2021

I live in Florida and am definitely not going to a gym or eating at restaurants unless it’s outside and distanced. I have had my first dose of the vaccine. But the vast majority of Floridians haven’t gotten any dose of the vaccine yet. People can still fairly easily become exposed and infected to COVID at gyms and restaurants. Until there is herd immunity, I’m going to respect the vulnerability of those who haven’t yet had two doses of the vaccine, and that’s likely to be at least several months.

Lynn says:
March 1, 2021

Day four past first Pfizer dose: no side effects. I put a Salon Pas on the shoulder when it started to ache, so I had no pain. I'm not sure why anyone here in Florida would eat indoors at a restaurant or go to a gym. There are so many outdoor dining opportunities, with great food. Exercising outdoors or through online classes has always been an option through the epidemic. (I have come to really like online yoga class and can hopefully continue). I am, though, definitely looking forward to traveling again.

Jemmie says:
March 1, 2021

When I took this survey a few days ago, and had received my first dose weeks before, I did not give the state of FL a great rating in handling the coronavirus vaccines. Yesterday, I got my second dose at the same parking garage in Tampa as the first, and my rating did not get any better. It was given in the back of an old mall and started with 7 lanes of hundreds of cars in the parking lot which is eventually funneled into one lane. The cars then crawl up 3 flights in the garage, go around the roof in a maze of cones then wind back down to the bottom floor where the shots are administered. Horrible idea, not sure why they didn't administer it in the parking lot where we sat for over two hours. After about 3 hours we were getting our shots, with much credit going to the health care workers who were friendly, and professional while dealing with all the car fumes.

Cindy says:
March 1, 2021

Up here in Ontario Canada they are still mostly working on distribution to nursing home residents and staff. Unable to get enough doses for wider distribution. Supposed to start age 80 and older by end March. Still locked down but some schools are open.

Tess says:
March 1, 2021

Clyde and Lynn, I'm right there with you. I'm under 65 in Florida so not able to get the vaccine yet. I won't be eating inside a restaurant for quite a while.

Carol says:
March 1, 2021

Maryland made the mistake of allowing each county to setup their own vaccine procedures.
So in one county anyone over 65 can get it while in another county they are still in 75+. We are
71 and 74 and registered on 5 MD websites and as a backup plan as FL homeowners we also
registered on 4 FL websites. FL called us 4-5 times for the shot and still not a single call from MD!
MD is opening up mega vaccine sites and giving them more vaccine thus taking volume away
from the hospital sites. What a plan!!

Ed LaFreniere says:
March 1, 2021

I have not been a fan of Arizona's handling of the virus. Cowboys who do not respect the dangers have been going everywhere -- including grocery stores -- with no masks for months, with impunity. There has been no statewide mandate. However, the state's handling of the vaccinations has been phenomenally professional. Thousands of shots have been given at the football stadium in Phoenix (24 hours a day) and at other sites, including some run by health organizations. Typically in and out in 30 to 60 minutes. The doctors and nurses who administer the vaccines are in a great mood, knowing that they're not only helping people but seeing the covid rate go down. The worst is over. After a year of hell working in ICUs caring for the very sick and the dying, they are truly sighing. These are national heroes, and we can only pray that they do not all have to endure the PTSD that is now so common.

Patricia says:
March 2, 2021

Not sure where you are in Arizona, but in Tucson and Pima County masks are required. I've had no issues and vaccine age dropped today to 55

SC says:
March 3, 2021

In Colorado our Govenor is successfully implementing stages for the vaccine. March 5 will start 60-64 and other groups. You need to receive an invitation to make your appointment So it keeps things organized and is not chaotic. Over 70 percent of teachers are vaccinated as they were in the last phase. People seem to be patient in the roll out since it is organized and being communicated from the top.


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