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Retiring in 2013: 10 Things to Do Now


December 27, 2012, Welcome    to this week's newsletter. We hope everyone has had a lovely holiday so far, our best wishes for the New Year. Reactions to our new format have been positive, thanks for the feeedback. This week we've got some advice for 2013's new retirees, plus 2 great towns for retirement. On a celebratory note, we've met a major milestone - there are now more than 2,000 active communities in our Directory, listed by State and Country.
This marks the time of year that many folks launch into their retirement.  To help you get off onto the right start, here's our list of 10 things you should be thinking about right now.
Conway, SC
Close by the bustle and beaches of Myrtle Beach is Conway, a quieter town proud of its renovated downtown riverwalk. The area has a wide array of inexpensive active communities.
The comments to last week's article were so interesting we decided to provide the link again. Tell you what - if Topretirements' members were in charge of Congress, our troubles would be over!
Lafayette, LA
Albuquerque has a dry and temperate climate and a unique setting in the mountains. Home to the University of New Mexico, its Old Town provides an interesting shopping and tourist destination.
If you like this newsletter please forward it to a friend.  We also offer a Daily Digest (links to everything new), plus New Active Adult Communities (2 versions of recently added 55+ communities: East & West).
Looking for help narrowing down where you should consider retiring? Our Retirement Ranger quiz asks you 9 quick questions like cost, location, climate, etc.  You'll then get an instant customized report that matches your preferences. Take it as many times as you like with different choices, it's free!


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