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Welcome to the Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for January 31.  People love their pets. And when it comes to your retirement plans, they need to be considered too.

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Southernmost City- Key West, FL

Driving along the Keys strung out below Miami on US 1 you'll eventually come to a sign for Mile 0.  Then you will be in Key West, which has the warmest winters in the continental U.S. It is quirky, beautiful, full of things to do, and offers superb fishing. Although Hurricane Irma hit the the Keys hard, Key West had a miraculous escape.

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Coffee4Matt Explores Asheville for Retirement!

One of our Members, Coffee4Matt, recently rented a house in Asheville with some family members to scout it out for retirement. They had a good experience, and they all compared notes about Asheville and retirement. Don't miss their conclusions!

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FInd Your Best Place to Retire

The X Factor in Retirement

Some  members of the family don't get their voice heard when it comes to their retirement planning preferences. Here are some considerations to keep in mind about your pets when it comes to retirement.  More »

Kappa, Hawaii (Kauai)

If cold January days got you down, why not think about how lovely retirement would be in Kappa, a small town of about 11,000 on Kauai.  There are beaches and parks and a nine mile trail along the ocean with beautiful views and native wildlife. Street vendors sell fish tacos.

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