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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for September 4.  Thanks to everyone for your many great Comments on recent  articles like "Seven Deadly Retirement Sins" and "Should You Move or Stay in Retirement". Check out what they said - very interesting!

Do you have a friend who has retirement issues to decide? If so, please forward them this  newsletter, which might help. Here is where they can get their own Free Subscription.

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Medicare Advantage vs. Original Medicare + Medigap (this is the preview of what is going to be a great article!)

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Vancouver, Canada

Located on Canada's west coast, this is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the Americas.  High rise buildings rising from the harbor  create a striking environment.  It has two universities, a vibrant economy, strong cultural presence, plenty of parks and beaches, plus nearby mountains.  More »

Retire Close to Family or No  - Pros and Cons and Checklist

Most everyone considers it, even if the idea is quickly dismissed. It's a big deal deciding if you should retire near your family members - children, parents, grandchildren, siblings. This checklist might help clear up your thoughts.  Close...or not too close >>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Medicare Open Enrollment Coming Soon

Now is the time to get ready for Medicare's Open Enrollment period, which arrives on Oct. 15. That is when you can switch type of Medicare and plan without any problems. We are  going to help you understand which plan is best for you with next week's interview and helpful advice from Tom Cretella.  This is the preview to get you started>>

Historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

As a tourist and retirement destination, Gettysburg also offers beautiful countryside with orchards and vineyards.  Gettysburg College adds to the appeal of this retirement friendly town.   More>>

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