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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for June 14.  Thanks to the two sharp eyed Members who spotted our mistake last week - Eureka is in Arkansas, not Alabama. Sorry about that error. To view this newsletter in your browser click here.

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Spokane, Washington

Washington's 2nd largest city is on its eastern border with Idaho, giving it a much drier climate than Seattle. The city is relatively affordable, has 75 parks, and offers outstanding outdoor recreation.

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Michigan Is a Great Place to Retire

Our scouting trip to Michigan was so interesting. In this report we cover some unbelievably nice towns - from Harbor Springs to Empire. Next week we will continue with more. Bottom line: The Great Lakes State is a great place to retire!

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Tips to Keep the Scammers at Bay

Scammers are working 24/7 to separate you from your money. Every day brings new and more nefarious techniques. These 5 tips could save much heartache - Bonus - how your Editor got taken in!

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Petoskey, Michigan

We had heard from friends how nice Petoskey was - but it still exceeded our expectations. Set on a hill overlooking Lake Michigan, it has a lovely downtown and residential sections. No wonder retirees are coming here.

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Best Places to Retire
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