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Retirement Preparation Quiz

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for Febuary 20.  Today we continue our Retirement 101 Course with an online Quiz to assess the state of your retirement planning.

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Finally, Someone in Congress Wants to Fix Social Security

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Shakespeare on Demand - Ashland, Oregon

Located just north of the California border, Ashland is a cultural mecca, hosting the Oregon Shakespeare Festival as well as Southern Oregon University. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is one of the largest and most successful festivals in the world, attracting as many as 400,000 visitors over its 9 month duration.  More »

Module 4: Online Retirement Preparation Quiz

Take this quick online quiz and we'll give you an instant score on the state of your retirement preparation. The results will give you a good idea of the areas you might need to work on. Suggestions welcome.   Take the Quiz>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Self Driving Cars Hit the Road in The Villages

An experiment in The Villages could provide the solution to the isolation that so many older retirees face - lack of transportation. A set of residents there can order a free self-driving taxi to take them to appointments, friends, etc. There is opposition though.  More>>

Lakewood Ranch, Florida

This, the largest multi-generational master-planned community in the U.S., spans two different counties. Although not nearly as well known as The Villages, it is an interesting competitor with a population of over 30,000 and an average age of 45. There are 15 villages, a Town Center, over 150 miles of sidewalks and trails, community parks, farm land, lakes and nature preserves.    More>>

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