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Retire in Green Valley, AZ-Mike T's Inside View


December 18.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter. Due to Christmas falling on a Wednesday, next week's edition will come out on Thursday, Dec. 26. Today we are indebted to Mike T for his insights on what it is like to retire in Green Valley, Arizona. We think you will enjoy what he has to say.Happy Holidays to everyone.
A ways back we published an article on Arizona Retirement 101. That generated many comments and questions, and in response our member Mike T wrote an eloquent and insightful report. Most is about retirement in the huge community of Green Valley, but there are more details about the rest of Arizona too.
This town in the southwestern part of Georgia is a transition in many ways. It is old south and new south all in one. There is Spanish Moss and a laid back feel, yet it is close enough to bustling Tallahassee to be almost Floridian too.
Explore Thomasville
The mobile lifestyle has many charms and advantages. One of them is the chance to work seasonally at outfits that need workers who don't require housing, like and the National Parks.
A visiting backpacker supposedly gave Kerikeri its slogan - "A town so nice they named it twice". It's a beach town on the North Island, very popular with British expats. We can see why.
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