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Obamacare Deadlines Looming: What Boomers Need to Know Now


September 25. Welcome , to our weekly newsletter. Baby boomers under 65 who are paying for their own health care insurance could be the biggest beneficiaries of Obamacare.  But as deadlines loom, the time to act is now.

In other news, the National Association of Realtors reports that real estate sales and prices are up. The median price of an existing home was $212,100 in August, its strongest gain since October 2005. The number of homes sold in the month was the highest since before the 2007 crash.  Now the question is what will happen if mortgage rates rise.
100 Most Popular Communities
You might hate the idea of Obamacare, or you might be in favor. But if we told you that it might subsidize most of your health insurance premiums, would you feel a little better about it?  This is just one of the 7 things every baby boomer needs to know about the Affordable Care Act, which has a key deadline coming up Oct 1.
Punta Gorda, FL
The west coast of Florida can be a great place to retire, and Punta Gorda is one of the more attractive choices there.  A great deal of the town is on Charlotte Harbor and the Peace River with easy access to the Gulf of Mexico. There is a big choice of active communities and other developments.  The town has an upscale feel, and real estate prices are reasonable.
San Luis Obispo
Founded by Father Junipero Serra in 1772, this popular  retirement city has a carefully restored historic district that includes one of the best preserved examples of Spanish Mission architecture. There is an interesting downtown, fantastic beaches nearby, and an economic base anchored by California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly).
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