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Litmus Test - Does the Town Have a Good Bookstore


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Ideally located just minutes to historic downtown Savannah, GA, Rice Hope Plantation offers beautiful southern architecture and resort style amenitieswith new homes from the $170's. 100% Financing!
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This city, home to the University of Iowa, takes most people by surprise. Downtown there is the Iowa Avenue Literary Walk with bronze plaques in the sidewalks that are dedicated to 49 literary lions with ties to Iowa. There is a huge pedestrian center and a river walk.
When a town has a good bookstore you can generally count on it to have a lot of other good features too. In today's article a group of successful writers  review their favorite bookstore towns. They almost all make great places to retire!
This college town (Auburn University) in southeastern Alabama is a fast growing community with many other attractions including museums and theatres.
The good news for us boomers is that there is a never ending list of products coming out to make our lives easier and more fun.  Here is a run down of some of the better innovations that 55+ people will enjoy.
There is always a fascinating array of different Comments to our various Blog articles. Recently there has been a lot of activity on "Is Leaving an Inheritance to Your Children the Height of Foolishness", among others.  But the problem is that unless you subscribe to our Daily Digest they arehard to see - sometimes the conversations continue for years.  Check out the Blog and scroll through the comments after every article.
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Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, pleaseforward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign uppage.


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