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Is This the Right Time to Buy or Sell a Home


April 24,  2013. Welcome    to this week's newsletter.
It's been a rough patch for real estate since the glory days of 2006. The March numbers from the National Association of Realtors are out with some very good news - and one other tricky little problem. Which leads us to ask you for your opinion - is this finally the time to buy your retirement home, and unload the one you have now?
Prescott, AZ
Prescott was the original capital of the Arizona Territory. This old mining town is now a popular active adult retirement community, complete with proud reminders of the old west like the buildings on Whiskey Row.
This article is Part 2 in our "Best International Places to Retire" series. This time we look at the various pros, cons, and considerations you should keep in mind when contemplating an international retirement. The best parts are the member comments from Part 1 (10 Best Places), which provide some perfect illustrations of these points. Also up, our interview talking on Radio Kerry about Ireland's selection as the #1 place in the world to retire (they were happy)!
This week's question: "Do you have lists of active communities that let you stay for a night or two at a discounted price (often called a Stay & Play package)? Click the link below to see our answer (it's midway down the page).
Venice, FL
In many ways Venice is similar to Naples; except with less traffic and far lower prices. The master-planned town has great beaches and wide boulevards lined with palms and banyan trees. Much of the lively downtown is in the northern Italian renaissance architectural style.

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