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How to Retire on Less Than $1 Million: August 3

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Here is the Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for August 3.  The next edition of this newsletter will be on August 17.  

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Vancouver, Washington

Not to be confused with the city in British Columbia, this Vancouver is in Washington State.  It is located along the Columbia River and offers a lot of outdoor recreation and has a national forest nearby. There are many active communities in the area. More>>

How to Retire on Less Than $1 Million

When we asked Members for input on our Retirement 101 Course, the #1 suggestion was for more about how to retire on a budget. This led to Module 2 in our online course. With inflation raging, this seems like a good time to revisit it! More >>

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FInd Your Best Place to Retire

These Metros Thrive in a Soft Market - for Good Reasons

Prices and demand are softening in much of the country. But these markets are still attracting young people and retirees. Indiana and North Carolina each had 2 cities in the top 10. More>>


Johnson City, TN

The Wall Street Journal rated this town in north central Tennessee as the #3 Emerging Market. People are moving here because of a solid real estate market along with a good economy and plentiful outdoor recreation. More >>

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