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Finding a Tax Friendly Retirement State


April 17,  2013. Welcome    to this week's newsletter. We are trying a new feature this week, in which we will post an interesting question from a member, along with our answer. Let us know what you think!
Finding a low tax state for retirement is an important quest for many.  Here in Part 1 we review the types of taxes with the greatest impact on retirees, along with the states that are the "friendliest". Part 2 will provide a checklist to help you determine how taxes might affect you in a particular state.
Mission Viejo, California
Mission Viejo, CA
This is one of the largest master-planned communities ever built in the United States.The city is mainly residential, including some active adult neighborhoods, but there are also offices and businesses. The city is known for its picturesque tree-lined neighborhoods.
Some new studies reveal how unemployed baby boomers, often retired before they want to be, are surviving in a cruel environment. Which leads us to the question - if this describes your situation, how are you coping?
While we don't have the resources to respond to individual questions, we do often post some that have a broad application to other members. You can find those questions, along with our answers,  in the Forum under "Questions from Readers". There are actually 3 pages of Q & A's so far. This question is a good example:  "How can I post comments on the site". Click the link below to see our answer (it's midway down the page).
Leesville, Louisiana
Puerto Vallarta
If your tastes run to outdoor recreation, great food, and small town living you might consider Leesville and its neighbor, DeRidder, for retirement.  Leesville is the home of Fort Polk, a huge Army base many former GIs might remember. There is a municipal golf course and a branch of Nortwestern State University.

If you like this newsletter please forward it to a friend.  We also offer 3 more: a Daily Digest (it provides a link to everything new on the site from the day before),  New Active Adult Communities East, and New Active Adult Communities West (the latter 2 are weekly).


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