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Call it Decluttering or Downsizing

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Think Taxes Should Drive Where You Retire: Maybe Not

50 State Mini-Retirement Guides

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Aging Boomers Increasingly Filing for Bankruptcy

Since 1991 the rate of people of retirement age filing for bankruptcy has tripled.  Causes include medical expenses, death, unemployment, and not saving enough.  More »

Boulder City, Nevada

Thirty miles from Las Vegas, Boulder CIty offers a small town atmosphere with a strict growth policy. There are plenty of local shops, restaurants, parks and other attractions. The city has several festivals throughout the year, a private airport and two public golf courses. Nearby Lake Mead is tops for recreation. More »

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Downsizing, Decluttering, or Ridding Out: Whatever the Name, It's Time

Whatever the name, you need to start getting rid of the stuff you don't use anymore. Whether it is to be prepared to move to a new home, or save your children or spouse from having to do it - now is the time. Here are 10 strategies to get started.    More »

Mini-Retirement Guide to KY

This state has a lot going for it for retirees. Cost of homes is low, and most pension and social security income is exempt. Plus it has a number of towns certified for retirement. More »

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