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Best Retirement Planning of 2020

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for December 16.  The vaccines are here! We are wondering who the first Topretirement Members will be to get vaccinated. We can't wait to get back to normal life once we get ours!

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Best Places to Retire on Florida's Gulf Coast

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College Town - Logan, Utah

Logan, 90 miles north of Salt Lake City, draws retirees and other new residents from elsewhere because of its religious diversity and tolerance. It is home to Utah State Univ. More>>

Best Retirement Articles of 2020

Our first ever awards for the Best Retirement Planning articles of the year are out. Here are the winners from the New York Times, Wall St. Journal, MarketWatch, etc.  These carefully researched articles explore practical topics like ex-pat retirement, social security, HOA fees, etc. We think you will find them helpful in your retirement planning. Congrats>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Retire in... Vermont!

The Green Mountain State has a lot of things going for it, including one of the best records against Covid of any state.  Burlington bustles with the University and other towns around the state have charm and great outdoor recreation. MiniGuide >>


Colonial Beach, Virginia

This old resort town on the Potomac has had its ups and downs. Locals love the network of small lanes that run through town - too small for cars but perfect for bikes and golf carts. It is charming here but quiet. More>>

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