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Best Places to Retire in SW Florida

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Corozal District - Belize

As one of the main centers of the country, Corozal includes many districts and villages. Belize is laid back and stable, famous for the second largest barrier reef in the world along with beaches, scuba diving, and fishing.  The country is very welcoming with special programs for retiring expats.  More>>

Virtual Road Trip: Southwest Florida's Best Places to Retire

Road trips to explore best places to retire are a little scary right now, but there's no reason you can't come along along on this virtual tour.  In the stretch from Tampa to Marco Island there might be more great places to retire than anywhere else in the world. Hop on Board>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

What Is Your Place in the Covid Vaccine Line?

A lot of us have been wondering, how soon can we get the coronavirus vaccine and where is our place in line? Take this 4 question quiz from the NY Times and find your place in line. More >>


Classic Boca Grande - Florida

There might not be a more laid back, elegant little town like Boca Grande anywhere else in FL. It sports some of the best tarpon fishing in the world, miles of white sand beaches, and an old-school resort hotel, The Gasparilla Inn.  It's only a short boat ride from Cape Coral, but miles away by car. More>>

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