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Are You Ready for Retirement Quiz


April 10,  2013. Welcome    to this week's newsletter.
If you love a good quiz you might enjoy taking the updated "Are You Ready for Retirement Quiz".  After you answer 20 Yes or No questions we will give a score on retirement preparedness.
Long Beach, CA
Located in southwestern North Carolina on the border with Georgia, this small town  is surrounded by the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. It offers a small town environment and is nicknamed "The Land of Waterfalls".
The Social Security Administration is holding an informative webinar tomorrow, April 11. The webinar was organized by the National Retirement Planning Coalition for financial planners, but anyone can participate.  Topics will include how benefits are calculated, what is Full Retirement Age, working and benefits, taxable income thresholds,  and earnings limits. Space is limited so you need to make a reservation.
Puerto Vallarta
Once a  small fishing and agricultural town, the area has become a popular tourist and retirement destination. It's below Mazatlan and north of Acupulco on the west coast of Mexico.

If you like this newsletter please forward it to a friend.  We also offer 3 more: a Daily Digest (it provides a link to everything new on the site from the day before),  New Active Adult Communities East, and New Active Adult Communities West (the latter 2 are weekly).


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