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A World Upside Down

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for March 18.  We hope you are all heeding the warnings about the coronavirus. Although it is probably easier on us retirees than most people, but there will be an emotional cost. It is definitely a time for us all to come together. Our hearts go out to all those  who will be severely impacted.

Meanwhile we were honored to see pick up our article on the "10 Best of the Best Places to Retire". A big welcome to all the new subscribers who came to us via that!

Do you have a friend who is fretting about retirement? Please forward them this  newsletter, which might help. Here is where they can get their own Free Subscription.

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Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this cooperative effort - coming close to 100 responses so far! Next week we will have a full report, or use the link above to see all the Comments so far.

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Eagle, Colorado

Still somewhat undiscovered, Eagle, located in Colorado's "Banana Belt", is a retirement paradise. Drive to Vail or Beaver Creek for the day against traffic. Join the Vail 50 Club and have an unbelievable amount of activities to choose from.  More »

Upside Down: Retiring in a Coronavirus World

Suddenly, this is not a normal retirement. Not only are we worried we will get it, but our lives are fundamentally altered. We want to hear from you on how you are coping and what adjustments you are making. More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Bentonville, Arkansas

Being the hometown of Walmart and the Walton family has its advantages. Like the huge new Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art which now draws millions of visitors a year.  Or a new film festival in partnership with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. More>>

What Biases Might Keep You from Your Best Place to Retire

Generalizations are almost always a bad idea - about people, things, and places. Once you get to down to the specific, the world opens up. In this classic article we explore some of the common biases that keep retirees from finding their best place to retire.  Open-Minded>>

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