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65, Working, and Medicare Best Places Mar 30

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Welcome to the Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for March 30. 

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St. Francisville, Louisiana

Named of the 200 most beautiful small towns in America, St. Francisville is very popular with tourists and retirees. More >>

Still Working and 65 - Do You Need Medicare

Many people are confused about what to do about Medicare if they 65 and still working. Here is the lowdown you need to know.  More >>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Why Not Retire to a Pocket Neighborhood?

Last week's article about retiring to an apartment stimulated discussion on other types of non-single family housing options. This updated article from our archives is a great primer on pocket neighborhoods. More >>


National Harbor, Maryland

Directly across the Potomac from Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, National Harbor has hotels, offices, retail stores, and restaurants. There are also waterfront condos, a marina, and a convention center.  More >>

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