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100 Top Active Communities for 2016


October 6.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter. 

Today marks the publication of our annual list of the Top 100 Active Adult and 55+ communities. We always enjoy seeing which communities generate the mostinterest among our Members and visitor - hope you do too!

Last week's re-introduction of Betty Fitterman's outstanding 6 part series on living the mobile lifestyle in retirement has generated a ton of interesting Comments.  Check it out!

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Tennessee has 9 communities on our Top 100 list this year, and Chattanooga accounted for 4 of those. It is a friendly town with great scenery and many nice features too.
Two of the states that had the most 55+ communities on our list were a surprise. The #8 community had never made it to the top 100 before. And sitting at #1 - we bet you can guess which one that is.
In a pretty big surprise, Delaware had 10 communities on our Top 100 List. But when you read about Bethany Beach, you won't be surprised why.
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