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100 Best Places to Age Successfully

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Your Weekly Report on the Best Places to Retire 
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Topretirements eNewsletter           
 August 15, 2012

In This Issue...

  • A Great New List: Best Cities for Aging
  • Mile High City: Denver, CO
  • How's Your Retirement Planning Going?
  • Beautiful College Town: Ann Arbor, MI

  • Pictured above: On the campus of the University of Michigan in beautiful Ann Arbor (#7 Small Metro for Successful Aging).
    "Best Places" lists keep on coming, but finally there is a good one for folks who prefer data over opinion. The Milken Institute's list of the "Best Places for Successful Aging" is actually 2 lists of the top 100 - one each for Large Metros and Small Metros.  Each city is ranked on 78 different attributes. Best feature: a Calculator that lets you customize your own priorities.
    The Mile High City is not just a great place for young people, it can be a terrific city for retirement too (#22 on the Milken list of large cities for successful aging). Obviously it is close to some of America's most fun mountains. But it is a vibrant cultural center too, and one with a wide choice of interesting neighborhoods and active communities.
    Click on a state to see reviews of 866 great retirement towns, plus capsule summaries of 1,835 active adult communities.
    Your response to our first poll was so good we are back at again. Today's 5 questions probe to find out what you are most concerned about in retirement, reasons for choosing a retirement location, and whether or not you have a bucket list (plus what's on it!). We'll report on what we learned next week.
    The Milken Institute's #7 small metro for successful aging is Ann Arbor, and it is easy to see why. This graceful city of trees and parks has a bustling town center. Not to mention being home to the University of Michigan.
    We've just finished making some improvements to the Retirement Ranger. The changes improve its accuracy and usefulness. You answer 10 quick questions, then get a free customized report. It's free, take it as often as you like.
    Retirement Ranger
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