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10 Friendliest Places to Retire


May 11.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.  We hope that you are experiencing a glorious spring, wherever you might be.

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Conde' Nast Traveler named this former mining town one of its 10 friendliest towns. It is home to 3 major ski resorts -  in fact there is a lift that starts from the center of town. You can enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities here. Although expensive, some nearby towns are more affordable.
If you have lived in a place for a long time you might be out of practice in making new friends. So finding a place to retire where the people are friendly and happy to meet you is critical to your retirement happiness.  Here you go: 10 Very Friendly Places to Retire.
This tourist and retirement town was recognized as one of “8 Captivating Park Cities” for its natural beauty. Residents love the nearby Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
The year 2004 was just prior to the housing bubble's worst excesses and subsequent tumble. This new tool from the Washington Post will tell you if you are one of the winners or losers on the real estate rollercoaster ride since. Just enter your Zip Code - and Voila!
Every day there is a fascinating array of Comments to our various Blog articles. But the problem is that unless you subscribe to our Daily Digest you might not see them.  Check out the Blog and scroll through the comments after every article. Hint: looking by category makes it a little easier.
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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