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Best States to Retire

International Retirement Guides

If you have been wondering what are the best retirement states these state retirement guides can help. You will find detailed guidance and facts about the best states to retire in – from Alabama to Washington. Plus, mini-retirement guides to more than 10 countries.

Each mini-state retirement guide includes the following practical information:

Summary – A brief description about what is best about retirement in that state

Best Retirement Towns – A list of some of the truly outstanding retirement towns and communities for that state – and why

Economy and Home Prices – Find out what makes the economy tick (or not) in that state. Plus helpful information about the cost of living, and a state-wide estimate of the latest home prices.
Climate – You’ll get the lowdown on January temperatures as well as any drawbacks about the local weather

Taxes – Highlights of that state’s tax picture as it applies to retirees. Learn about property, sales, and income taxes. Plus exemptions that might apply for pensions, social security, disability, veteran status, or retired military. Most tax-friendly states for retirement.

Certified Retirement Communities – If the state has a certified retirement community program you will learn about that.

Active adults looking for the best states to retire in for states like Utah, Georgia, Tennessee, Arizona, North Carolina, Oregon, and Florida will find it at We can help by providing you with facts and honest opinions by real people.

Click on the states and countries on the right to learn more about options, advantages, and disadvantages of retirement there.

Or use this link to find individual reviews of the best retirement communities

Here is help on understanding the various types of retirement communities

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