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Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Oak Ridge, Tennessee image 1

What It Is Like to Retire in Oak ridge

Oak Ridge is a town of about 29,000 people that is west of Knoxville in eastern Tennessee. Oak Ridge is famous for being home to the Manhattan Project in WWII.  The Oak Ridge National Laboratories are a major employer in the region. Retirees here enjoy terrific recreational opportunities in the nearby mountains. A reflection of the community is the fact that 18% of the adult population has an advanced degree. The median age is 43, slightly higher than the Tennessee average. Photo of the Peace Bell at the Civic Center courtesy of Wikipedia and Brian Stansberry,Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0/

Where to Retire in Oak ridge and Home Prices

Agriculture was formerly the economic mainstay of Chandler. Now there are several hi-tech firms in the area including Motorola and Intel.  Construction and retirees are other important industries.

What Is Special about Oak ridge

Oak Ridge National Laboratories, which is where materials for WWII's Manhattan Project were produced in great secrecy.  Nearby  mountains and rivers.  Close enough (24 miles) to Knoxville and the University of Tennessee.

What Is Not Special about Oak ridge

There was a major mercury spill discovered in the latter part of the 20th century. Some people might get the willies being this close to major nuclear facilities..

Oak Ridge, Tennessee image 3

Who Will Like Retirement in Oak ridge

Retirees who want to live in one of the more sophisticated towns in this part of Tennessee will enjoy Oak Ridge.  It is close enough to Knoxville to commute there.  People who like the friendly folks in Tennessee.

Local Economy Is Driven by

Oak Ridge National Laboratories, medical facilities, and construction dominate the economy.

Climate and Physical Environment

Oak Ridge is on the Clinch River (which feeds into the Tennessee River nearby) in a system of mountain ridges. Knoxville is to the east and south, about 25 miles. Median January temperature is about 38 degrees.

Restaurants & Cultural Scene

The University of Tennessee Arboretum, the American Museum of Science and Energy, and the Children's Museum of Oak Ridge are big parts of Oak Ridge culture. Tours of the original parts of Oak Ridge National Laboratories are extremely popular.


The crime rate in Oak Ridge is a little above the national average.

Medical facilities

Methodist Medical Center is the local hospital in Oak Ridge.  The University medical facilities in Knoxville are also nearby.


McGhee Tyson Airport in Knoxville is about 28 miles.

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