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Stillwater, Oklahoma

Stillwater, Oklahoma image 1

What It Is Like to Retire in Stillwater

Stillwater is a city of 46,000 people in north central Oklahoma. It is home to Oklahoma State University. It was named a Certified Retirement Community by the legislature in 2012. Photo of Payne County Courthouse, Built in 1917, and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, courtesy of Wikipedia and Nyttend; photo of Edmon Low Library at Oklahoma State University, and photo of Old Central, the oldest building on the campus, courtesy of Wikipedia and DBinfo. (All photos in the public domain).

Where to Retire in Stillwater and Home Prices

The median price of a home in Stillwater was $174,455 in early 2020, according to Zillow.  There are retirement communites in Stillwater-see link on left.

What Is Special about Stillwater

Home to Oklahoma State University.

What Is Not Special about Stillwater

Close if not in tornado alley.

Stillwater, Oklahoma image 3

Who Will Like Retirement in Stillwater

People who want to live in a low key college town in the midwest.

Local Economy Is Driven by

Stillwater has a diverse economy with a foundation in aerospace, agribusiness, biotechnology, optoelectronics, printing and publishing, and software and standard manufacturing. The largest employer is Oklahoma State University.

Climate and Physical Environment

Stillwater's average Jan temp is is the mid 30s and the average July temp about 80.  The city is located in north central Oklahoma.

Restaurants & Cultural Scene

Stillwater has the shops and restaurants of a college town. There are numerous museums including the he Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History, Wrestling Hall of Fame, The OSU Gardiner Art Gallery, and the Stillwater Botanical Garden and Arboretum. The public library is new and well-funded.


Crime rate is about half the national average.

Medical facilities

Stillwater Medical Center is a 119 bed non-profit public trust facility. Services offered by the hospital include emergency, wound care, labor and delivery, surgery, radiology, rehabilitation, cancer care, and wellness.


Stillwater has a regional airport, and the nearest large airport is in Oklahoma City, about 75 miles away.

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