Saint Simons, Georgia

What It Is Like to Retire in Saint simons
For active adults 55+ in retirement, living in St. Simons Island, could be like going to paradise. The island, one of the Golden Islands, is immediately adjacent to Sea Island, which has some of its exclusive resort facilities here. About 15,000 mostly affluent people live here, the average age is a fairly high 56. Brunswick is the biggest nearby town, although Jacksonville and Savannah are relatively close. The downtown is tiny but has nice shops and restaurants. The Casino, home to the Visitors Center and a branch of the library, is the center of local activities and entertainments. There are beautiful sandy beaches, luxurious homes, and summer temperatures lasts for nearly 7 months. Nowhere is there any indication that you are anywhere but in an Eden, with Spanish moss dripping from the live oaks as you play golf on some world famous tracks. Active adults 55+ come to the “Low Country” for a blissful retirement community free from urban problems. Money Magazine recently voted St. Simons Island as the #2 retirement location in the U.S. The island is in Glynn County. Photo of St. Simons Park courtesy of Wikipedia and Bubba73, Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0/

Where to Retire in Saint simons and Home Prices
There are ample housing opportunities, either in a gated active adult community (see link at right) or in an age diverse neighborhood in the community. St. Simons Island tends to be expensive. Median home value was $596, 266 in mid-2023, according to Zillow and reflecting the upscale nature of this retirement community. Homes away from the water will be less.
What Is Special about Saint simons
Beautiful, unspoiled setting. Proximity to the Cloisters at Sea Island. Opportunities to live near the water. Charming environment that is free of strife. Low county heritage. Great golf and tennis facilities
What Is Not Special about Saint simons
It is far from anything. Could become small world unless you like living in small environment. Summers will be hot and oppressive. Diversity here is represented by folks who drive Volvos instead of Mercedes

Who Will Like Retirement in Saint simons
Retirees tend to be people who like living in a golfing or tennis community, or who just like the laid back, comfortable and safe environment provided here. It is a WASPy (93% white) place, although many artists and creative people live in the area. People who yearn for an urban, varied environment will not be happy here. Average age is 56.
Local Economy Is Driven by
Tourism, retail, services
Climate and Physical Environment
St. Simons Island is situated as a barrier island on the flat Atlantic Coast of extreme southern Georgia. There are many waterways and inlets in the area. It is located off of the coast of Brunswick, GA, an industrial town. January average temp is about 50 and July average in the low 80s.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
The Island relies on its proximity to the Cloisters at Sea Island for most of its culture. There are many artists, galleries, and fancy shops in the area.
Crime in Saint Simons is lower than the national average.
Medical facilities
Southeast Georgia Regional Medical Center is 8 miles away In Brunswick, GA.
You can walk around the downtown and certainly bike anywhere on the island. Jacksonville International Airport is about 50 miles away.
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