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Frederica, Delaware

Frederica, Delaware image 1

What It Is Like to Retire in Frederica

Frederica is a very small (less than 800) Delaware town just south of Dover and fairly near the Delaware River Bay.  Formerly agricultural, the area is transitioning into suburbs and active adult communities are being built here as well.  Picture of Barretts Chapel courtesy of Wikipedia (public domain); picture of Frederica Town Hall courtesy of Wikipedia and Smallbones (public domain).

Where to Retire in Frederica and Home Prices

There are active adult in the area (see link at top left). The median home value was about $206,669 in early late 2021, according to Zillow, and well below the national average.

What Is Special about Frederica

Frederica offers small town living in tax-friendly Delaware.  It is close to the water as well as the Murderkill River Nature Preserve.

What Is Not Special about Frederica

We have seen Frederica referred to as a "Gool 'Ole Boy" kind of town, but have no personal experience to verify that.

Frederica, Delaware image 3

Who Will Like Retirement in Frederica

People who want to live in Delaware and small towns will like Frederica.

Local Economy Is Driven by

Dover Air Base, construction, and some high tech industries support the Frederica economy. ILC Dover, the company who manufactured space spacesuits, is nearby.

Climate and Physical Environment

Frederica is on the Delmarva Peninsula south of Dover and fairly near the Delaware Bay.  The average January low temp is 24 and the average July high is 87. The wettest month is August with 4+".

Restaurants & Cultural Scene

For cultural opportunities you will want to go to Wilmington, Dover, or Baltimore.


Crime in Frederica is just about the national average.

Medical facilities

The nearest hospital is 12 miles away in Dover.


Frederica is average in walkabilty when compared to other communities.

Valuable Links

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