Greeley, Colorado

What It Is Like to Retire in Greeley
The town of Greeley is on the Front Range of Colorado, about 50 miles north and east of Denver. The city was originally a Utopian experiment called Union Colony, started as a movement based on religion, temperance, and agriculture. The name was later changed to Greeley in honor of Horace Greeley, who popularized the phrase "Go West, young man". The population is just under 100,000. It is the county seat of Weld County. It is near the spot of Fort Latham, the headquarters of the government troops during the Indian troubles of 1860-64 and an important stagecoach stop and waypoint on the Overland Trail. Photo of the Weld County Courthouse in Greeley, and photo of the Union Colony Civic Center courtesy of Wikipedia and Peter Romero, photo of City Hall courtesy of Wikipedia and Bbean32,Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Where to Retire in Greeley and Home Prices
According to, the median home value in Greeley was $419,680 in mid-2023.
What Is Special about Greeley
Greeley is a college town thanks to The University of Northern Colorado and its almost 10,000 students. Access to the great outdoor recreation of the Rockies is close by.
What Is Not Special about Greeley
Greeley is cold and snowy in the winter.

Who Will Like Retirement in Greeley
people who want to retire in a college town, and who enjoy the outdoors.
Local Economy Is Driven by
The University of Northern Colorado and its almost 10,000 students impact the economy, as does being the County Seat. Swift & Co. has a meatpacking plant in the city and there is at least one other food processing company in town.
Climate and Physical Environment
The average January temperature is about 28 degrees; the average July temperature about 74 degrees. Snowfall averages 43 inches during the winter months.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
The Union Colony Civic Center is one of the largest performing arts center in the state. It presents Broadway musicals, concerts, local performs and lectures, along with many events. The University of Northern Colorado has some cultural offerings. Live music and entertainment website for Greeley.
The crime rate is slightly below average.
Medical facilities
North Colorado Medical Center, with an additional hospital in nearby Loveland.
There is a local airport with air taxi operations but the Denver airport is just an hour away.
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