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South Shore Village

Kingston, Rhode Island


Address: 30 Chickadee Lane, South Kingstown, RI 02879
Pricing: Luxury
Phone: 401-601-0074
Community Size: 100 - 999 Units


South Shore Village is a new 55+ active adult community located in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and only a few miles from the coastline. The community is made up of customizable single-family homes with amenities that include a 20,000 square foot community center, a fitness center, greenhouse, an indoor/outdoor saltwater pool, tennis courts and a 9-hole golf course. Residents of South Shore Village will also enjoy nearby beaches, boating and kayaking, along with shopping, dining and cultural events.

Residence Types

• 55+ or Age Restricted • Active Adult • Single family homes


• Fitness Center • Golf-Executive or 9 holes • Tennis

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