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Durham, North Carolina


Address: 60 Elderberry Lane, Rougemont, NC 27572
Pricing: Intermediate
Phone: (336) 364-4137
Community Size: 1 - 99 Units


Elderberry is an adult cohousing community located in Rougemont, North Carolina, just north of Durham. The country community is made up of 18 energy-efficient townhomes on ten acres that also includes a Common House, community gardens, a dog park, hiking trails, and numerous outbuildings. The Common House is shared with the Potluck Community Farm and is a gathering place for shared meals, games, meetings, and guest rooms. Paths and gardens connects homes to each other and to the Common House. Residents work together to maintain the community. Homes are priced in the $200's.

Residence Types

• 55+ or Age Restricted • Active Adult • Cohousing • 46


• Card Games or Bridge • Dog Park • Garden for Community • Guest Rooms • Kitchen- Catering or Community • Pet Friendly • Social Events Planned • Trails for Walking or Biking

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