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Rancho Viejo

Santa Fe, New Mexico


Address: 46 Via Punto Nuevo, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87508
Pricing: Lower Price
Phone: (888) 707-5454
Community Size: 1000 - 9999 Units


Rancho Viejo in Santa Fe, New Mexico, stretches across 11,000 acres dotted with pinon and juniper trees, and thoughtfully planned to preserve the natural open spaces and parks.  The community is uniquely designed as a collection of villages, each with its own central gathering plaza. Amenities include paved trails for walking and biking for connection throughout the community. Single family homes are offered in a variety of styles and are priced from the $100's. Santa Fe is also one of the most cultural and artistic cities in the nation and features galleries, museums, and cultural events.

Residence Types

• Single family homes • New Urban • All ages

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