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Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


Address: La Cruz de Huanacaxtle (north of Puerto Vallarta)Km. 2.6 Carretera Punta MitaLa Cruz de Huanacaxtle,Nayarit; C.P. 63732
Pricing: Lower Price
Phone: 011 52 329 29 553 70
Community Size: 100 - 999 Units
Web: Alamar


Alamar is a residential high-rise development north of Puerto Vallarta, that balances modern architecture with amazing views of Banderas Bay. This private hilltop enclave allows for the contemplation of the beautiful town of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle and splendid landscapes of the ocean and lush nature. Alamar is strategically located in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, at the heart of the Riviera Nayarit. Enjoy amenities like its luxurious beach club, multiple pools, tennis, snack bar and pool side cabanas. There are seven world-class golf courses designed by top international designers within just a few miles.

Residence Types

• Condos • All ages

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