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Hammonds Ferry

Augusta, Georgia


Address: 89 Crystal Lakes Dr., North Augusta, SC 29841
Pricing: Intermediate
Phone: (877) 309-1314
Community Size: 100 - 999 Units


Hammond’s Ferry is a mixed-use neighborhood that joins the charming City of North Augusta to the timeless beauty of the Savannah River. It combines a beautifully crafted traditional neighborhood with a vibrant town center In this “new urbanist” neighborhood, the houses, buildings, and urban design of the community are an extension of the genteel architecture, friendly streets, and rich cultural heritage that already thrive in the Savannah River Area. Amenities include a loop of North Augusta’s Greeneway trail.

Residence Types

• All ages • Apartments • Mixed Use • Single family homes • Townhouses


• Pet Friendly • Restaurant • Shops • Social Events Planned • Trails for Walking or Biking

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