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Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia image 1

What It Is Like to Retire in Atlanta

Atlanta is Georgia's largest city and with over 5 million area residents, the 9th largest metro area in the U.S.  For a variety of reasons tens of thousands of people will be moving to retirement communities. It has a relatively mild climate and lower cost of living, tremendous cultural and recreational opportunities, and many already live here or have relatives in the area.  Atlanta is home to a number of colleges and universities including Emory and Georgia State.  Atlanta was home to the 1996 Summer Olympics. Photo of World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta courtesy of Wikipedia and Rundvaid (public domain).

Here is Topretirements Mini-Guide to Retirement in Georgia

Where to Retire in Atlanta and Home Prices

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What Is Special about Atlanta

Atlanta is a great city of the world with major universities, hospitals, museums, and international businesses. It is a vibrant city and one where the cost of living is not that high. Many people got to know Atlanta better thanks to its hosting the 1996 summer Olympics.

What Is Not Special about Atlanta

Traffic, crime, rampant growth, and summer time heat and humidity are some of Atlanta's downsides.

Atlanta, Georgia image 3

Who Will Like Retirement in Atlanta

Retirees who want to live in a large city with mild climate, colleges and sports teams.

Local Economy Is Driven by

Atlanta is one of the largest economies in the country.  Many U.S. corporations comprise a large portion of Atlanta's economy, which was effected by both the housing and financial crises in 2008.

Climate and Physical Environment

Atlanta is in a humid sub-tropical climate and experiences four seasons. Winters are cool with some days below freezing. The January average is 43.5 degrees.  Summers are hot and humid with the  average July temperature 80 degrees.

Restaurants & Cultural Scene

Georgia Tech, Emory, and Morehouse are just a few of the prestigious institutions of higher learning in Atlanta. It hosts a sports team for just about every professional sport. And its cultural infrastructure includes every major orchestra, ballet, art museum, etc.


Crime in Atlanta is almost double the national average.

Medical facilities

Atlanta has some of the finest medical institutions in the world, along with specialists for every aspect of medicine.


Atlanta's airport is a central hub and one of the busiest in the world. Its MARTA mass transit system is first rate.

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