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The Ponds at Bayberry South

Middletown, Delaware


Address: 605 Vivaldi Drive, Middletown, DE 19709
Pricing: Intermediate
Phone: 302-378-5072
Community Size: 100 - 999 Units


The Ponds at Bayberry South is Delaware's newest active adult community located in Middletown. Exclusively developed for 55+ homeowners, these homes offer the latest in design, energy efficiency, and also provide a maintenance free lifestyle. Main level owner's suites are standard, along with beautiful kitchens, 2-car garages, full basements and more. Planned amenities include a clubhouse with outdoor pool and recreational activities complex, as well as a future Town Center. Home prices in the $200's.

Residence Types

• Townhouses • Single family homes • 55+ or Age Restricted

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