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Orange, Connecticut

Orange, Connecticut image 1

What It Is Like to Retire in Orange

A town of about 13,000 in New Haven County, Orange is a historical Connecticut town. Refer to New Haven to get an idea of the focal point of this area. Picture of The Henry F. Miller house built in 1948-49, is an international style house in Orange, Connecticut and listed on the United States National Register of Historic Places, courtesy of Wikipedia and Fayemil (public domain).The house was one of the areas first modern houses and was featured in the New Haven Register as "The House of Tomorrow

Where to Retire in Orange and Home Prices

There is at least one active adult community in the area (see link at top left).
According to Zillow, the median home value was $475,282, in mid-2021.

What Is Special about Orange

This historic town is comfortable and quaint.

What Is Not Special about Orange

There's not a lot going on in Orange, and it is not considered a walkable community.

Orange, Connecticut image 3

Who Will Like Retirement in Orange

People who like the quiet, colonial-town life retire in Orange.

Local Economy Is Driven by


Climate and Physical Environment

Climate is typical of the New England seasons.

Restaurants & Cultural Scene

For the cultural scene and great pizza, New Haven is just a few miles away.


Crime in Orange is about half the national average.

Medical facilities

Hospital of Saint Raphael and Yale-New Haven Hospital are both nearby in New Haven.


Tweed New Haven Regional Airport is 13 miles away; Bladley International Airport near Hartford is over 50 miles away; Amtrak services New Haven 6 miles away.

Valuable Links

Comments on "Orange"

Brian Vecellio says:
March 8, 2024

Orange property taxes are extremely high


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