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Sonora Cohousing

Tucson, Arizona


Address: 501 E. Roger Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85705
Pricing: Intermediate
Phone: 520-293-9339
Community Size: 1 - 99 Units


Sonora Cohousing is a cooperative community of 36 homes near the University of Arizona in Tucson. It is not built around an ideological principle; rather, a diversity of backgrounds, ages and opinions are welcome. Growing and cooking food together is an important activity. 2 and 3 bedroom homes are available for sale or rent from the $200's. We seek to create a neighborhood which strikes a balance between public and private — respecting individual privacy while encouraging social interaction. The Common House is the centerpiece of the community. 

Residence Types

• Cohousing • All ages • Single family homes


• Kitchen- Catering or Community • Garden for Community • Clubhouse • Meeting Rooms • Social Events Planned • Swimming Pool

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