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Announcing Your Retirement Plan on a 3 x 5 Card

January 16, 2015 — Baby boomers face so much inertia when it comes to planning for retirement., “Find Your Best Place to Retire,” has just announced a breakthrough to help boomers do the necessary planning that makes for a happy and successful retirement. Amazingly enough, this popular boomer website has synthesized and simplified retirement planning down to just the easy to follow advice on 3 x 5 index card.

Once boomers see this simple, step-by-step process, retirement planning becomes so much easier and achievable. And here it is – retirement planning to the bare essence.

Part 1: Retirement Planning in a Nutshell
1. Start early. As one example, you can’t make up for lost savings if you start too late.
2. Fit your expectations to your reality. Prepare a budget with expenses and revenues so you know where you stand.
3. Follow your dream. You can have almost any lifestyle in retirement — if you plan for it.
4. Check out a lot of places to retire. Start visiting places while you are still working. At least one will fit your dream.
5. Know what you are going to do all day. Don’t make the mistake of retiring without a direction.

Better Yet – A Prototype Retirement Plan
Knowing what has to be in your retirement plan, distilled to the essence like in the 5 easy steps above, is a helpful aid for this important retirement process. But what’s even better is this: Topretirements has developed a free sample plan – ready to use and boiled down to a 3 x 5 index card. It has everything you need for success – from a series of sample goals with specific planning actions, to target dates for completion. Boomers can feel free to customize the plan so it reflects their individual retirement dreams and hopes.

Here is the link to the free Sample 3 x 5 Retirement Plan and entire article.

This popular website helps baby boomers find their best place to retire, along with every other aspect of retirement planning such as when to take Social Security. The site attracts millions of baby boomers looking for practical advice about retirement. Visitors can subscribe to the free weekly eNewsletter, “Best Places to Retire.”

Contact: John Brady, President
203 415 4792

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