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News you can use about baby boomers and the active adult retirement community

10 Questions a Baby Boomer Should Ask Before Buying in Any Active Adult Community

Madison, CT. May 31, 2007 – Legions of baby boomers are checking out retirement communities around the world as a possible next move. In addition to sizing up real estate options they are carefully evaluating the golf courses, tennis courts, marinas, landing strips, and yoga ashrams offered in the glossy brochures. But since buying into a retirement community involves more than just amenities, the editors of Topretirements.comhave prepared a list of the top 10 questions to help boomers make a more informed decision and avoid common pitfalls.

Most active adults either stay in their own homes or move to a smaller place when it comes time for retirement. But for the hundreds of thousands who move to an active adult community each year, a mistake can be expensive and draining. The Topretirements questions were developed as a guideline to help boomers improve their chances of making a good community fit, along with minimizing any financial risk.

The Topretirements’ questions assume that the new retiree has already researched the area in which the active adult community is located for climate, economics, recreational and cultural opportunities, and political compatibility.  Topretirements offers over 180 detailed community reviews and analysis on factors like those at ./reviews/.

10 Questions to ask – Before you buy in an active adult community

1. Who owns the land your home sits on?
2. How solid is the financial situation of your developer or association?
3. Is there a sinking fund for maintenance?
4. What type of assessments have there been?
5. What is the reputation of the builder/developer?
6. What is going to happen with adjacent property?
7. Can the community handle future growth?
8. What kind of rules (and how many) will you have to follow?
9. What is the political atmosphere of the community association?
10. What are your new neighbors like?

Visitors can download the Free Baby Boomers Guide here.


Topretirementsfeatures peer generated content in a Wikipedia-based format that encourages users to create and edit reviews of their communities. Visiting baby boomers will find objective reviews written by real people, instead of glowing advertisements for retirement communities written by marketers. The site presents a database of vital facts about each retirement community such as January temperatures, taxes, crime rates, cultural indices, recreational amenities, etc. to help active adults make more informed decisions. Discussion Forums for each State and Community provide a venue where visitors can ask questions and give their opinions. Find your perfect retirement community!

For more information:

Contact: John Brady

203 415-4792

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