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Bucket List: Iceland’s Natural Wonders

Category: Bucket Lists

A Bucket list trip to Iceland September 10, 2024– Iceland is both a cold country, and one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world. It is the perfect place for a retirement trip. This giant island country in the North Atlantic attracts tourists from all over the world to experience its many natural wonders. There are many ways for retirees to experience its charms, which we will explore in this article.  About Iceland This island country, a member of the European Union, is being formed by the separation of the American and European tectonic plates. As they have come apart over the millennia, magma and lava have come out of the earth’s core to form the land. They are still separating at the rate of about 2 centimeters per year - in many places you can stand with one foot in Europe and the other in America. That land building has created the many sights that people come to experience. There are giant extinct volcanoes to climb, deep blue lakes formed by glaciers and and volcanic activity, immense and intricate lava fields, and gigantic waterfalls. Not to mention a long and beautiful coastline. 


Published on September 9, 2024
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What Is Your Favorite Cruise Line?

Category: Travel

Vote Now! September 16, 2024 — Going on a cruise is one of the most popular experiences for retirees of all ages. But there are so many cruise lines, and they go to so many places, river cruises and ocean cruises – which one is the best for you? To…


Published on September 15, 2024
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