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Community in a Pickle – Over Pickleball!

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

June 3, 2015 -- It is one of America's fastest growing sports, attracting legions of new players from baby boomer ranks. Compared to tennis it is easy to pick up, doesn't require as much stamina or range of motion, and is fun from the get-go. Yet all is not perfect in the state of pickleball. Symptoms of the fallout occured in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat recently, which recounted issues concerning expansion of pickleball facilities at the large (3000 unit) Oakmont active adult community there. The article, "Oakmont in a Pickle over Pickleball", chronicles the troubles that occurred as the


Published on June 2, 2015
Comments 17

Part 2: More Funky Places to Retire in Florida

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

June 6, 2015 -- This is part 2 of our series on the "Funky Towns of Florida". Part 1 explored unusual towns of this stripe in the Northern, Central, and Western reaches of the Sunshine State. In this edition we concentrate on the Eastern and Southern regions, plus one additional town from Florida Central. As always we want to know your suggestions for more "funky Florida" towns, which we define as communities that are interesting, have potential but are perhaps a bit down at the heels, and cater to a slightly more bohemian crowd. East Coast Fernandina Beach is the biggest town on Amelia island at the northeastern tip of Florida. It has about 11,000 people with an average age of about 46. There is a charming downtown with an artsy feel, a bustling waterfront with shrimp boats, a working lighthouse, and many quiet neighborhoods featuring Victorian homes. There are cute shops and many interesting restaurants and bars. There is a 50 block area is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. New Smyrna Beach New Smyrna Beach is a peaceful beach community of


Published on June 5, 2015
Comments 31

It’s Official: The Top 15 Builders in the Top 50 Retirement Markets

Category: Retirement Real Estate

June 9, 2015 -- We were very flattered recently to see a story from, "The Top 15 Builders in 2015’s Retirement Magnets", which used Topretirements' "100 Most Popular Retirement Towns" as the starting point of its research. The online publication basically looked at our top 50 towns (chosen on the basis of visitor popularity on our site), and then determined which companies build the most homes in those markets. It was an intriguing idea with at least one very big surprise. Quantity Built Let's start with a big surprise: the #10 builder is.... Habitat for Humanity. So at least we know from the beginning that there all kinds of builders in our 50 most popular retirement markets - not just those catering to the retirement set. The builder with the most


Published on June 8, 2015
Comments 5

12 Lies We Tell Ourselves about Retirement

Category: Retirement Planning

June 12, 2015 -- Oh, the things we say we are going to do in retirement. And if only we did them! We were inspired by a recent MarketWatch story, "Five Lies We Tell Ourselves in Retirement", which focused on lies people tell themselves on financially related aspects of retirement. We liked the idea enough we decided to create our own list of lies, but with a different focus - (mostly) non-financial fibs. This is our list - we encourage you to add


Published on June 12, 2015
Comments 16

Do You Want to Live in a Green Retirement Community

Category: Green Retirement Communities

June 16, 2015 -- It is the rare person who doesn't at least give some nod toward being green in various aspects of life. It might only be grudging recycling efforts or turning off some lights, but the spirit is usually there, somewhere. But would you make your environmental concerns a requirement for finding a suitable place to retire? If there are many people like that out there they are probably having a hard time finding such a place. Using the Advanced Search Feature at Topretirements we found we have 23 communities (out of about 3000) that are self-described as "Sustainable", another way of saying


Published on June 15, 2015
Comments 4

Dueling Mountain States for Retirement: CO, ID, MT, NV, UT, and WY

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

-- This article continues our Dueling Retirement States series with another regional comparison. See Further Reading at end for links to other comparisons in the series -- June 22, 2015 -- Are you tempted by the lure of mountains for your dream retirement lifestyle? The Mountain States of the U.S. - Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming - continue to experience amazing population growth, including from people of retirement age. Colorado's population, for example, grew by over 1 million people between 2000 and 2014, much of which was net in-migration. Many of these mountain states' new residents are 20 and 30 somethings who have come for jobs in these growing economies. But another demographic segment flocking to the region for its beauty, outdoor recreation, and in many cases, to be near their adult children, is the huge baby boomer group. The attraction for many of these folks is the opportunity to enjoy magnificent mountain ranges like the Beartooths in Montana, the Sawtooths in Idaho, and the many sub-mountain ranges of the Rockies in Colorado. In this article we will compare and contrast these 6 mountain states: Colorado and Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming (links go to our mini-retirement guides to each state). Population and income data is from American Fact Finder-U.S. Census Bureau. A Few Facts Colorado is by far the more populous of the 5 states. The 2014 population there increased to just over 5.35 million from 5 million in 2010, which is a 6.5% increase in just 4 years. There were 2.8 million people in the second most populous state, Nevada, up from 2.7 million in 2010 (+5.1%). Wyoming had the smallest population of the six, which stood at 584,000 in 2014, a 3.6% gain from 2010. Utah enjoyed a significant population increase from 2010 to 2014, 6.5%, double the overall U.S. growth rate. Its population estimate was 2,942,000 in 2014. Idaho had 1,634,000 people in 2014, up 4.3% from 2010. The Montana population was 1.024 million in 2014, up from 989,000 in 2010 (+3.5%).


Published on June 22, 2015
Comments 14

What to Do If You And Your Partner Don’t Have the Same Retirement Plans

Category: Family and Retirement

June 27, 2015 — Most people are in relationships. Making decisions that involve a couple is complicated, starting with the obvious - there are two people’s needs and wants involved. Reconciling the dreams and goals of two different people is a challenge, but one that can bring much happiness and joy if done successfully. The goal of this article is to help couples find effective strategies to achieve success in their retirement planning. Two years ago we surveyed our Topretirements Members on Spousal Compatibility, and over 600 folks responded with insightful data, opinions, and advice. Many couples highlighted the importance of maintaining individual interests and hobbies during retirement. For example, some respondents shared that occasionally enjoying individual hobbies, like gardening, traveling, or even playing games online — such as opting to relax alone by choosing to play ohne Anmeldung or ohne Registrierung im Casino spielen — could enhance personal space and overall marital harmony. You'll find detailed survey results linked at the bottom of this article. We invite you to read these real-life experiences, and we look forward to your additional comments at the end of the article. A Suggestion One way to use the information in this article is for both


Published on June 27, 2015
Comments 76

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