Category: Downsizing
This is Module 10 of our Retirement 101 Online Preparation Course. (See end for list of other Modules in the course).
June 4, 2013, updated March 2021 -- Almost everybody talks about downsizing, but not that many folks ever get around to it. But those that do go through the wrenching process of downsizing tend to be very glad they did it. This article, one of the top reader-suggested poll topics from last week's survey, will explore the downsizing process along with 12 tips for doing it painlessly. We'll also visit some of the pluses
Published on June 3, 2013
Comments 49
Category: General Retirement Issues
June 4, 2013 -- Thanks to the 41 (and counting) creative members who took the time to provide suggestions for future Topretirements surveys, polls, and articles. Besides giving us solid direction on the areas we should concentrate on to serve you better, you have thought of ideas that we never would have! Note: As the weeks pass since we wrote this summary, we have developed articles on many of these topics. Where we have done that, we have included a link to the article.
Our plan is to write about the the top ideas in the coming weeks, starting with the one we just finished, "12 Steps to Successful Downsizing". Many of these ideas don't lend themselves to online surveys - but they are perfect as vehicles to generate member comments. And since your comments are so interesting, please comment away. If anyone cares to submit quotes about your experiences on any of these topics for inclusion in future articles, feel free to email us! Lastly, on those topics mentioned that
Published on June 4, 2013
Comments 13
Category: Downsizing
June 5, 2013 -- We surveyed our members last week, asking them for future article and survey ideas. It wasn't much of a surprise to see downsizing and moving right up there near the top of the list, since we've noticed baby boomers love to share their downsizing travails and experiences. To answer that need we've prepared this article, which will be a companion piece to "12 Steps to Successful Downsizing", which we also just wrote. This article will report on the experiences of 3 baby boomers who just went through the downsizing process.
A Really Big Move for Sandy -
Newly retired Sandy and his wife had had just about enough
Published on June 4, 2013
Comments 34
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 11, 2013 -- What is the best retirement calculator to help you determine how much money you need for retirement? The short answer is ... just about any good one, because more information leads to better retirement outcomes. The Employee Benefits Retirement Institute (EBRI) recently found that people in the lowest-income quartile who use a retirement calculator can improve the probability that they will not run short of money in retirement by 14.6 to 18.2 percentage points. This article will review a range of some of the better calculators as well as explain why they are useful.
What are online retirement calculators - and how can I find a good one?
Most retirement calculators have
Published on June 11, 2013
Comments 16
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 18 2013 -- If someone had asked us in 1970 if we would feel comfortable about retiring some day with savings of $1 million - we would have said - YES! But even for the 1 in 12 American families who have that much saved outside of their home equity, a million smackeroos is really not so much to live on in retirement anymore.
According the CPI calculator, $1 million in 1970 is the equivalent of $6,003,737 in 2013. That change explains the inflation side of the problem pretty well. But there are other reasons why the million dollar figure isn’t that great:
- The pathetic amount you can earn on
Published on June 18, 2013
Comments 38
Category: General Retirement Issues
June 26, 2013 — We have had an annoying technical glitch for several weeks that caused some people to either get an error message or go to the wrong page when they clicked on our Blog. So rather than cause a lot of frustration, we decided to hold off sending…
Published on June 26, 2013
Comments 0
Category: Active adult communities
June 26, 2013. We had an unusual media request from a popular cable TV show. They are looking for “out there” rules and restrictions at active adult communities. So if you know of any that are true or researchable, we would love to hear about them. Please add them as…
Published on June 26, 2013
Comments 43