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Think You Have Travelled Everywhere? Think Again

January 21, 2025 -- A fortunate few well off and/or adventurous travelers might feel like there is nowhere else to go. Also, the places they enjoyed so much in the past, are now over run by cruise ships and package tours. Well if that is you, the NY Times list of "52 Places to Go" can easily solve that problem.…...

Top Retirement Towns

Ushuaia (pronounced u-shwa'-a) is a small city at the tip of Argentine South America. It is commonly regarded as the southernmost city in the world (a title long disputed by smaller Puerto Williams in Chile). It is located on the Beagle Channel, which, along with Drake Passage and Straits of Magellan, is one of the 3 routes around Cape Horn…...
Paradise Valley was founded in 1961 by The Citizens Committee, a group of residents whose mission was to create a town that promoted neighborhood unity and offered an incredible quality of life while preserving the natural beauty. It is perhaps the most exclusive suburb of Phoenix, located to its east. The population is 12,658 (2020  census), with the average age…...
Elgin is a fast-growing small city of just over 100,000 people that is just west of Chicago in northern Illinois. The city,home to the National Watch Company (Elgin watches) until the 20th century,  is located on the Fox River. The Elgin Street Sweepers were another old Elgin company.There are some great rail to trails in the area, as well as…...
Within the gates, there...
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